Garden Archive
A look at some photos from the past, showing how the garden developed and highlighting some fun projects.
"I did not start a garden simply to grow a few vegetables and flowers. The garden was used as a means to show how willing and anxious children are to work, and to teach them in their work some necessary civic virtues; private care of public property, economy, honesty, application, concentration, self government, civic pride, justice, the dignity of labor, and the love of nature by opening to their minds the little we know of her mysteries, more wonderful than any fairy tale."
1902, Fannie Griscom Parsons started the Children's School Farm in Manhattan, NY.
1902, Fannie Griscom Parsons started the Children's School Farm in Manhattan, NY.
School Farmers' Market
Established Summer, 2008...
“... the garden furnishes abundance of subject matter for use in the composition, spelling, reading, arithmetic, geography, and history classes. A real bug found eating on the child’s cabbage plant in his little garden will be taken up with a vengeance in his composition class. He would much prefer to spell the real, living radish in the garden than the lifeless radish in the book. He would much prefer to figure on the profit of the onions sold from his garden than those sold by some John Jones of Philadelphia.”
~ George Washington Carver (1864-1943)
~ George Washington Carver (1864-1943)
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