Coach Gills Health/Physical Education
Our Philosophy is to provide a success-oriented, safe and non-threatening environment where every child is challenged to pursue their individual potential. Mission Our Mission is to create an environment where very child is challenged to learn, develop, and master the skills and knowledge necessary to lead a healthy, active lifestyle. Our program provides a framework in which the students can develop physically, mentally, socially, and emotionally. As students leave our program, they will have gained a foundation of knowledge, skills and confidence to create and implement a personalized fitness plan, tryout for a sports team, explore new and exciting ways to stay active, and pursue lifelong health. CLASS POLICIES
Guidelines: In order to have fun and learn we need to be in an environment that allows for all to succeed. This can be accomplished if all students are respectful, responsible, and ready for class every day. Attire: Physical Education clothes should be in good repair and the basic clothing should be worn everyday to class. Inexpensive sweatshirts and sweatpants should be worn during cold weather. Clothes should allow or comfortable, unrestricted movement and be suited for outdoor temperatures. Only soft-soled, laced, tied, and supportive athletic shoes are allowed. Please, no jewelry should be worn during class that is expensive, sentimental, excessive, or unsafe.